Listening to teachers results in innovative math assessments

The latest innovations in Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) tools for math have arrived!

After listening closely to teachers nationwide, the researchers at FastBridge learned what teachers loved--and didn't love--about various CBM-style math assessments available on the market. As a result, FastBridge has designed an innovative pair of Math CBM tools that give teachers what they need to help students succeed.

FastBridge is excited to introduce CBMMath Automaticity and CBMMath Process--efficient, standards-aligned assessments designed for universal screening in Grades 1-6 and progress monitoring for grades K-12:

CBMMath Automaticity:  This 90-second, computer-administered assessment evaluates the degree to which basic facts and operations skills are actuate and automatic (fluent).

CBMMath Process: Teachers often need to understand the degree to which the steps in a multi-step problem are completed with accuracy.  This brief, group-administered assessment helps teachers understand each student's strengths and areas of difficulty when computing math problems.

These assessments are an excellent complement to the FastBridge aMath (Adaptive Math) computer-administered assessment that allow teachers to both screen and assess each student's skills deeply, yet efficiently.  They also offer an upward extension of the FastBridge earlyMath suite for kindergarten and first grade.

Easy-to-interpret reports help educators identify trends in individual student's  performance, isolate specific skills by Common Core National Standard that are mastered or need further development, and offer group-level data that help clarify when class-wide or school-wide intervention and support are needed.

Want to learn more about CBMMath Automaticity and CBMMath Process?

Visit the CBMMath page for details and sample reports, or contact us for a free demonstration.


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FastBridge Learning