Top Product Enhancements for the New School Year: Screening to Intervention Report

While students have been restocking their backpacks with new school supplies, we’ve been busy equipping our teachers with a fresh new tool of their own for the school year!

Teachers often ask us, “OK, I’ve done screened my kids, and I’ve got great data about what my students’ skills needs are. But, now what do I do with that data?” FastBridge’s new Screening to Intervention Report offers teachers a tool to help answer to the “what now?” question.

FAST’s multi-modal, multi-source assessment approach shines!

The benefit of FastBridge Learning’s multi-modal, multi-method assessment approach shines in our Screening to Intervention Report available this fall.  This powerful teaching resource joins together a student’s results from the CBMreading (oral reading / automaticity assessment) and the aReading (broad reading) assessments to directly connect teachers to instruction and intervention recommendations based on students’ performance profiles.

The Screening to Intervention Reportreport screen shot helps identify what foundational skills are missing or weak and may need to be retaught or practiced and the level of support needed, guides teachers towards the appropriate instructional strategy to address each student’s unique needs, and points towards the appropriate intervention(s) that are available within the school or district. This tool helps automate what was previously a difficult and laborious step in the process of addressing student needs.

An automated reference guide with personalized instruction action items

Each student is given a rating for Accuracy, Automaticity, and Broad Reading skills. These are based on their performance on both the CBMreading and aReading measures. A student’s ratings for Accuracy, Automaticity, and Broad Reading combine to identify an instructional assignment and guides teachers towards a recommended and optimal instructional strategy for each student based on educational research. Those instructional strategies are further supported by specific intervention options based on materials available in the school or district that support targeted skills areas.

Alignment to major reading programs

The Screening to Intervention Report also identifies a student’s reading level based on their performance on the aReading measure. A student’s reading level is then accurately correlated to major reading programs, including Lexile, ATOS, F&P, and DRA so teachers can also direct students to supplemental reading materials in your school or library that are appropriate to his/her reading level and recommended instructional strategies and interventions.

We are thrilled to bring this new tool to the FAST assessment system this fall. There is still more to come from FastBridge Learning this fall, so be sure to check back.

Want to learn more about how FastBridge Learning can partner with your district? Request a demo or talk to a sales specialist today!

reading, teaching strategies, Blog, intervention, Lexile, new releases, News

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